.Wow. It's been over 4 months since I posted anything here. I think that's because I understand there is , at the most, one person who will read anything here, and since he knows anything I'll post here what's the point?
I've been busy. I know ,you'd think a unemployed guy who's kicked his everquest habit would have plenty of time, but alas no. I have 2 children who keep me busy. My soon to be 4 year old keeps me VERY busy. Hell he keeps my 10 year old and my wife busy as well. He was diagnosed with autism a month or so ago, but we've known something was wrong for a lot longer then that.
What saddens me the most is his inability to talk. I don't know him very well , and I desperately want to . I want to know his favorite color, his favorite story, why he loves the Star Wars movies so much. I would give almost everything I have just to hear him talk to me. I've found myself dreaming about it of late. (during the few hours the little guy lets me sleep)
A little side note he may have expressed a favorite color last week. We were getting gas at the local gas station when a truck pulled up. As we were leaving he looked at the truck and said what I thought was hello a few times. I looked back in the rear view mirror and saw it was a yellow truck. Later on I got a bag of skittles and asked which ones were yellow. He picked out the yellow ones.
So this week we work on colors.
Sad fact about myself
For almost my entire 8th grade year I did a Mork from Ork impression.
And I didn't get beat up once.
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