Not a lot to say here today but I wanted to wish everyone a Good New Year.
Last Night all my family did was stay home together. Ethan and I watched the classic movie The Poseidon Adventure. (maybe classic isn't quite the right word.) Angie played Star Wars Galaxies upstairs while Isaac played near her with his toys. Later Ethan, Angie, and I all played monopoly till a little before midnight.
All in all a perfectly boring evening that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Except maybe a decent babysitter.
OK since you read this thing to get some sort of chuckle out of my sad and twisted life I'll leave you with this.
The best Christmas gift I ever received was when my girlfriend (Whom I was lucky enough to marry.) saved up all her money and bought me a huge beautiful very expensive hardbound book about the Titanic. (which with I've had more then a passing interest in since I was 14.) She gave up meals and many other things to get me that book. Thankfully it has survived both fires. It may smell a little smoky but I treasure it nonetheless.
The most ridiculous Christmas gift I have ever received was last year. Mom and Dad bought me the Michael Jordan cologne gift set. Now while that in it self is odd, it wasn't ridiculous until I looked inside the box. It came with soap, aftershave, body lotion, (So I can have the complete Michael Jordan experience), and of course the cologne .
It wasn't that stuff that made it ridiculous. It wasn't even that since mister Jordan is richer then God, he would never be caught dead wearing some cheap ass cologne that cost $19.95.
No what made that gift completely ridiculous was that it came with Michael Jordan Hair Gel.
Michael Jordan Hair gel?
I picture some staff meeting where everyone was rolling on the floor with laughter when the pitched that idea.
The only thing I can find more ridiculous than that is if someone would give me a book of matches as a house warming gift after the fire.
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