My Drivel

"If I'm going to have a past I'd prefer it to be multiple choice"............

Until you get caught up, it's important that you start at the bottom of the page and read your way up, otherwise the stories won't make sense. Send any comments or questions to :

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Ok when I first posted this review site for Blogarama something went wrong. My reviews were being sent to a site called Embroidery Treasures. Lord I hope she can take the abuse I'm sure was headed my way. I fear that this poor person will click on her reviews and see something like, "You are one twisted person. I hope you get the therapy you need. You are Possibly Mentally Unstable."Because lets be honest anyone who cares enough about Embroidery to write about it everyday can't be firing on all thrusters to begin with.

Please Be Kind

I just registered my blog at Blogarama It's a place to review other blogs apparently.

Anyway if you'd like trash my blog or give me a kind word just click Here. Please remember I'm a fragile person who doesn't take unkind words well.

All right stop the laughter. I do take it well. I've gotten used to it from 30 years of abuse of Mark pretending to be my best friend. And my wife Angie has given me a small amount of abuse during the last 10 years as well.
Thanks for toughening me up guys!


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