Camp part two
After I was dropped off at camp by my police escort, I was herded with all the other boys milling around into the large central cabin for breakfast. The Cabin had the name Robin Hood in huge letters over the large double doors. While eating the dry cereal they gave us (one flavor, corn flakes, no sugar) we were given the rules. I didn't pay any attention. I was already trying to figure out how to get out of there and get home.
After I was done eating one of the camp workers started passing out postcards from the camp. We were all supposed to write "cheerful" messages back to our loved ones and let them know we were having a good time. I raised my hand.
" What if we are not having a good time, or haven't made up our mind yet? I mean after all we just got here."
The man in front ignored me and kept talking. "The first thing we'll do every morning is write a postcard. You can write as many as you like. We'll review each one to make sure nothing.....Inappropriate is there." I looked at my empty postcard. I thought about what to write. After a few seconds I wrote one line and handed it in.
The rest of the speech was about how why we all did questionable things in the past we would all learn valuable skills, and how to be better citizens. Hopefully we would all learn the value of community, and that we should respect the law.
Good god I thought, what did these kids do to be sent here?
The man finished his speech with, "Any questions ?"
I raised my hand again. He looked at me a second and finally pointed in my direction.
"Don't you think it's funny that you're telling us to repect the law, in a cabin named for one of the most famous criminals in history?"
Again my question was ignored.
Another younger man began reading off names and giving us cabin assigments. I was given the Little John cabin. This turned out to be good. It was just 20 feet away from the main cabin where the camp directors slept. And where the only phone was.
After we got to the cabin, the counsler in charge of it came up to me and said, "You need to write a new postcard."
"You wrote", he said looking at my postcard,"Get me out of here! We like to keep our messages back home more upbeat. If you could write something about having a good time and that you miss them or something we'd appreciate it."
I sat on my bunk and wrote, "Really another one of your great ideas Dad. I can't tell you how I feel about being here. Love Tom". I addressed it and handed it back. The counsler looked at it and said, "Much better!"
"What's your name", I asked.
"Little John", he said smiling.
"No really".
"You are to call me Little John." He smiled even more. He turned around and walked out the cabin.
"Oh God," I thought to myself, "I'm in hell."
Within five minutes of him walking out I was beaten up by the other kids. My hat was stolen and my overnight bag was gone though for any money. (I kept it all in my sock. No one was stupid enough to look in there.) I lay on my bunk thinking, "It's going to be a real long two weeks."
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