My Drivel

"If I'm going to have a past I'd prefer it to be multiple choice"............

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Thursday, May 20, 2004

The French Have Discovered Me.
I belong to a Yahoo support group that I post to every now and then. A couple of days ago a fellow member posted a response to one of my messages that had nothing to do with my original message. Instead it seemed she had picked up the rather odd idea that I don't like the French. And being French she was offended.
I was hurt.
I love the French. I really do. I couldn't understand why anyone would think that I don't. They're a really great people.
Ok, Ok, they've had a wee bit of a problem lately winning wars without our help. So they surrender to the first German they see. So they've managed to turn a Disney Theme Park into an example of unsurpassed rudeness. Who cares? So their school children are required to learn the word Collaborate in every language on the planet. Who cares? They are a great and fun people.
Then it hit me. She had read my blog.
Please don't take anything I say like, "Cheese eating surrender monkey", or " Second Rate County with delusions of greatness" to heart. I'm just joking. It's all in good fun. When I say that the only problem with France is that it's full of French people I mean it in the best possible way.
In September of 2003 I had another problem with people thinking I didn't like France. I posted an apology. I'll Post here again for anyone to read.

it's been noted to me that I have made a few statements that are less then kind to the French. I was told to say that not all French people are worthless. And I agree. There were some very upstanding Frenchmen in the early 1800's. But in order to appease (A word the French know all to well)our French "friends" and avoid any unpleasantness, I'll offer my apologies.
Because I know what'll happen if I don't. They'll get mad and insist on a duel. I'll agree and immediately they'll give up. Before I know it the whole damn country will surrender to me. And that's the problem . I don't want France. What would I do with it? It's loaded with French people.
So in order to avoid that outcome I'll say I'm sorry for any past and future statements I make about the French.

See? It couldn't be more clear. I love France.
Once again let me make it clear that The French (makers of really bad doors) are good solid (unlike their doors) people who are willing to help anyone who takes over their nation to the fullest. They'll make you feel right at home. Hell, they'll make you feel like you own the place.
However, the lady who posted the response really irked me. I believe she said something to the extent of, "I had too respond, first off because I wanted to and second because I am French and you dislike us I am disbanding tomorrow but not hiding "
Isn't that just like the French?
They insult you and then they run. Sheesh.


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