Another Review
The Kind folks at the Weblog Review have again reviewed me. You can read it by following the above link, or if like Mark your too lazy to actually move the mouse again I'll reprint the review here. (If this is any sort of violation of copyright stuff blah blah blah blah ... Please let me know and I'll take it down)
This isn't the ideal time I would have picked for new readers to come aboard. But The review was far kinder then I would have thought so I won't object.
Anyway here's the review by someone known as darling.
"My initial impressions of My Drivel are as one would expect in terms of a Blogspot site. The design isn't particularly spectacular, however, I was charmed by the teddy bear at the top of the page. It added a certain feel of innocence to the tranquil colors of the site. I also found the About Me portion of the right-hand column to be particularly witty and clever, and it heightened my expectations for the rest of the blog.
From the first entry I read, it became apparent that this blog is by no means ordinary. The author rarely mentions the every day. Indeed, he seems to forgo the normal diary format of blogs in favor of a memoir approach. This approach, with it's myriad possibilities, should pique the interests of most readers who've grown tired of the usual "So today I went to work..." It also works on the level of familiarity. The blog could easily be an actual memoir one would find tucked away at a library.
What's more, the author is eager to air his laundry, dirty or otherwise. He talks about childhood run-ins with pot, being shot on the same night as Bobby Kennedy, and other anecdotes of his family history. When I eventually got around to reading the biographical page, (I was engrossed in the blog) I learned that this was what the author intended it to be: a collection of memories to pass on to the next generation. This in and of itself makes the author likeable, and his tales more entertaining.
We feel genuine empathy for him. It isn't that his stories are extraordinary, in fact, it is the direct opposite. His stories have wide-ranging appeal, and he seems to have the Rumplestiltskin-like ability to spin gold out of everyday life. Come for the teddy bear, stay for the wealth beneath it.
In addition to the blog, which spans all of 2003 into 2004, we're given an extra rare to the blogging world: actual family photos. This makes perfect sense, given the Mr. Hernandez's admitted motivation in writing, however, they had volumes to the site's appeal.
The design leaves some to be desired, as is to be expected of most Blogspot blogs, but this isn't a flashy design sight. It's great value is solely in it's prose. My advice to Mr. Hernandez would be to switch the archives from weekly to monthly, so as to make the right-hand column more user-friendly. I also recommend adding a search feature, if possible, so an inclined reader could find each and every entry about Steve.
Overall, My Drivel is a great read. It sparkles with originality and comfort. The concept of memoirs-via-blog is an ambitious one, but here we see it executed with near flawlessness. With gentle, empathetic charm, it makes an excellent and unique daily read."
Now I have to admit that at a time like this (and always being a compliment whore) having someone say kind things like this is very nice. It's a much better compliment then Mark's comment about it being "grammatical hell" . (thanks buddy!)
Too any new readers...Boy did you pick an odd time to come aboard. I'm in a .......transitional phase right now. While this means my heart and soul and life are being torn to tiny shreds it also means that I'll soon be diving into a new writing frenzy. I was talking to a friend about what is happening in my life right now and he told me that GOD is probably doing it because I'm the only one who will be able to see the humor in it when it's all over. Mark of course will subscribe to the whole quarter theory. (Which in retrospect isn't all the insane right now.)
If you are a new reader and are actually curious about this blog (and because I'm to lazy to really right anything clever right now.) let me direct you to my blog from June. It's the best jumping on spot I know of. If like Mark your too lazy to actually go to the link on my archives I'll put one HERE. Please read those and also July's as well.
What does the future hold for this blog. Well once everything is settled here I'll get back to where ever the hell I was when all this started. (well started for me anyway) To anyone gleefully awaiting the juicy details of my divorce you may have to wait a while. For one this isn't a blog about current events (I need some perspective to give any story justice) and I don't really want to write about it while I'm still in the midst of it because my current feelings might distort it. So if I keep blogging at my current rate look for the full story sometime in 2012. Maybe 2013.
I still have a full and uncertain plate of events on my schedule next week. But I'm toying with the idea of letting Mark blog something about me, and also I plan on writing about my relationship with God. After that I think I'll be spending some time as a pillar of salt.
Again to the Weblog review thanks for the kind words. And if anyone from FOX TV is reading this, I see a sitcom with someone cute playing me and an ugly crosseyed boy beaten with a baseball bat daily playing Mark. As for who can play my Dad? I believe Saddam has some free time on his hands now.
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